Dear God, Thank you for sharing your goodness. Please: Give us peace in our hearts, Love in our souls, Kindness in our hands, The strength to be hopeful and helpful - To follow in Jesus’s footsteps. In all that we do may our values shine through. In Jesus’s name, Amen

A World Class Curriculum

We strive to give our children the best. Through vibrant curriculum experiences, Eardisley CE Primary School aims to ensure that its children are equipped with the skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding they need to excel and successfully navigate the ever-changing demands of their world.

We also undertake to ensure that our children have a spiritual and moral framework through which to understand the values on which civilised societies operate.
To find out more about our curriculum our school is following please do contact Mr Debenham, Executive, Headteacher
Throughout our challenging curriculum we promote:

  • High expectations
  • Learning skills such as self- confidence, application and thinking for ourselves
  • High quality products and outcomes
We offer:

  • Meaningful and engaging curriculum experiences
  • Group and individual support
  • Opportunities for further personal investigation

More about the curriculum

The National Curriculum identifies five ‘core’ subjects that form a major part of the school’s teaching programme. These are English, Maths, Science, Religious Education and Information and Communications Technology (ICT). In addition, there are ‘foundation’ subjects of History, Geography, Art, Music, Design and Technology and Physical Education. These are generally taught as distinct subjects but wherever possible links are made between them so that children can see how aspects interrelate.

At Eardisley CE Primary School we follow the National Curriculum, but seek to educate more broadly and beyond its limits wherever possible, we offer Personal, Social and Health Education, Philosophy for Children, Global Education and whole-class and individual instrumental tuition. In addition, we offer a rich variety of opportunities for sport, drama and presentation.

Careful long and medium term planning by staff ensures that there is continuity and progression in the children’s learning and that work is appropriately differentiated for their needs.

The professional expertise of the staff at Eardisley CE Primary School is constantly developed through reflection and professional development opportunities. For the staff, as for their children, education is a continuous and life-long learning process.

We comply with the Equalities Act 2010, please see under School Policies for further details on how this applies to our curriculum.