Dear God, Thank you for sharing your goodness. Please: Give us peace in our hearts, Love in our souls, Kindness in our hands, The strength to be hopeful and helpful - To follow in Jesus’s footsteps. In all that we do may our values shine through. In Jesus’s name, Amen


The Eardisley CE Primary School governors are committed volunteers who work hard to support and advise the school

They make a significant contribution to the school’s success; they know the school well, each having specific areas of responsibility, and connect with the school on a regular basis

Please feel free to approach them directly if you have any questions or via the school office – especially if you would like to join our Governing Body. The period of appointment for all governors is four years

Our Governing Body is made up of the following people:
NamePositionType of GovernorTerm of OfficeLink AreaCommittees
Phillip Whittall Chair Co-Opted 01.09.23  - 31.08.27 Maths, Art, Craft, Design Finance, Ofsted
Carol Morris Vice Chair Co-Opted 01.09.23 - 31.08.27 English Reading, Writing & SPAG - Music Finance, Ofsted
Chris Malone Governor Local Authority 25.01.22 - 24.01.26 Modern Foreign Language Ofsted
Marcus Small Governor Ex Officio   Values, PSHE & RSHE Ofsted, Ethos
Susan Brown Governor Foundation 01.09.21-31.08.25 History, Computing Finance, Ofsted
Vacant x 2 Governor

Co-Opted x 2
Angharad Blandford Governor Parent 13.07.21-12.07.25 Science, Geography  Ofsted
Michael Browning Governor Parent 19.11.24-18.11.28    
Douglas Munford Governor Parent 19.11.24-18.11.28    
Suzanne Raymond Governor Parent 15.03.22-14.03.26 PE & Sports Finance
Stewart Debenham Governor Ex Officio, Executive Headteacher  01.01.25- ongoing All All
Annabelle Griffiths Governor Staff 03.02.25-02.02.29